Free video on how to help your child or teenager prepare for returning to school.

Free video on how to help your child or teenager prepare for returning to school.

Tiddley Pom
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The past 6 months has presented many challenges for all of us, particularly for our children and teenagers. Schools closed, exams were cancelled, cubs and swimming lessons stopped, children were told to stay in and keep safe.

Now children and teenagers are getting ready to go back to school which will feel different to one they left behind in March. The anticipation of a new school year, transitioning to secondary school, GCSE’S and A Levels will feel different. Anxiety levels, fear , irrational thoughts may be at the forefront rather than the excitement of new beginnings.

Children and teenagers may also have enjoyed the home setting away from school pressures such as exams and perhaps bullying. A sudden change of environment from home to school may increase their stress levels and cause feelings of despair, angst, fear and depression.

We can help to support our children and teenagers with some quite simple tools so their return to school may feel a positive and nurturing experience.  Mental wellbeing for the young will hopefully be at heart of each school as their pupils’ return.